Words about things.
he fit in like that tetris piece no one needs or wants that takes up too much space
stepping in dog doo while bird poo lands on you is shit
for all lincoln did the government thinks he's worth $5 and 1¢
everything is made up even words the word word is made up how absurd
my biggest fear is being an old dad watching my son grow up from a wheelchair after he breaks my ankles hip and spirit in a pickup game
the rulers of the free world get mad when you add a little chocolate to their milk
the grass is greener on the other side when your neighbor has artificial grass but then he looks across the street and sees his neighbor with really green real grass and he wants that in his life
to the ones in the nike shoes with the adidas socks and the under armour shorts
link in on linkedin connect on facebook post on instagram read it on reddit storytell on snapchat talk on twitter watch on youtube they all say you have to be online if you want to be somebody to be noticed but when there’s no internet will they see you are nobody and they are too
don’t forget to like and subscribe
our clothes are segregated darks have their own setting whites are their own group no colors allowed and we talk of how far we’ve come
stars are tiny and surrounded by the dark so the next time i see one i won’t point the sky is far away anyway
the way too ugly the way too beautiful who’s more lonely who’s more lost the ones hidden from cameras or the ones suffocated by them
there are two yous the one in the mirror the one others see and the one in pictures that makes you say “wait, that’s not me” wait, that makes three
shell wants oil from my lands
so they spill and
blame the natives
liberia gets liberated
from her rubber and
they call it a goodyear
i forget but
my skin remembers
diamonds are forever
boxed in to a boxing match
with web3 personalities
and people pay for this view
he could catch
he could throw
man oh man
could he hit
his stick
military grade
plastic explosive
too make a terrorist
his swing
manhattan projects
he was
but it wasn’t
april 15, 1947
and he wasn’t
jackie robinson
“dc is real power”
”believe in betamax”
”media runs on hd dvd”
”ai takeover, humanity obsolete”
a hack
stole my
and used it
to sell a
poetry book
on amazon
i hope no one
ever buys it
ever reads it
and ever thinks
”this guy wrote that”